Mending The Web™

This Is Not About Us
It's About You

Making the internet better for all
Starting With You

Mending The Web™ and making the internet better for all starts with making it better for you.

The Oak Platform is built from the ground up around serving you, the individual.

We cannot do this without your input and support, so take a minute to let us know what you want.

Donate To Help Make It Happen!

We are an Applied Ethics Company

Building Responsible AI
AI Today

As AI and digital entities become more common, we need guard rails on what actions they can take.

We need trusted tools to observe and manage these new technologies.

Oak provides Ethical, Responsible, Human-Centric AI Tools that help us see the best way forward.

What We Do

The Oak Platform, myAI™, and Oak vibeCheck™ technology allow you to turn your personal values into actionable insights using AI personalized just for you.

Oak tools help you record, share, and apply concepts that you care about as you navigate the internet.

Oak makes it easy to get help and input from people that you trust in real life.

We increase visibility and understanding of the web around you as you navigate and help you see when something you care about is not quite right.

We are here to give you a hand when you want to make an informed decision quickly.

You Are Our Customer

Our objective is to empower individuals on the internet - this means you!

We do not sell your personal data.

No ulterior motives, no hidden backers, no secret strategy to get acquired and sell your information.

We know that setting this high standard is the best way to ensure that we always act in your best interest.

To do this we need your support as a customer, and we ask you to pay for our services.

To be able to provide Oak services to everyone we created the Oak Equitable Access Initiative.

Our North Star

We live in a time of uncertainty and mistrust of artificial intelligence and cybertechnology, for good reason.

We know that lack of trust in one another is one of the biggest barriers in our society.

At Oak, we know the internet could be a place of mutuality and trust.

The only way to build this future is to enable an internet where we are all free to act together in good faith. We call this Mending The Web ™.

Oak helps us all move towards this vision of a better future by making it easier to do more good than harm.

Our first step is giving agency back to the individual - to you.

Support Equitable Access

We are striving to be the best type of company:

A place where we can all do more, together, through shared resources.

Be Empowered!
Case Study